NBC kicked off the NFL season on Thursday by broadcasting a

theme song that is a remake of Joan Jett's "I Hate Myself For Loving You", sung by
Pink. This new theme song will be used every Sunday night, similar to Monday Night Football's use of
Hank Williams, Jr.'s overplayed "Are You Ready For Some Football?"
Let me tell you something, friends. Pink is no Hank Williams, Jr.! I'm getting tired of the endless, weekly remakes of "Are You Ready For Some Football", but it is 100x better than the emasculating theme song by Pink!
Why Pink? NFL on NBC producer Fred Gaudelli had this to say: "A football fan knows the anticipation of waiting all day for the big game. When you hear this song on Sunday nights you'll know the big game is about to kick off. ... We chose Pink as the signature voice because she is a tremendous talent with a crossover appeal that makes her relevant to all segments of our audience."
Relevant to all segments of the NFL's audience? I've got news for Fred Gaudelli. Neither Pink nor this new theme song will fire up the NFL's largest segments; males 18-34 and males 35-49. How many football fans are going to paint their faces, chug a beer and yell, "You go girl!"?