Friday, September 08, 2006


A few months ago, a friend in Pittsburgh informed me that he purchased a vanilla Frosty at Wendy's. He raved about the superior flavor of the vanilla Frosty over the chocolate Frosty. I dashed out to buy one, only to discover that Wendy's had not gone nationwide in their distribution of the new Frosty flavor. Oh, the disappointment. After waiting it out, I was pleased to hear a few days ago that Wendy's has gone into mass production mode, and the vanilla Frosty is available from sea to shining sea! I have tried one, and it does not disappoint. I garnished mine with peanut M&Ms, and the taste was most enjoyable. Do yourself a favor and try one.


Anonymous said...

Vanilla is the only true flavor. All shall love it and despair.

Anonymous said...

Have you ventured and tried the Root Beer Float? It is killer.